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HomeEventsWinter 2024-2025 Ice Contract

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Winter 2024-2025 Ice Contract

About this event

Winter 2024-2025 Ice Contract

November 6th, 2024 – February 23rd, 2025

Due Friday October 25th


In order to meet your contractual agreement with the club, Senior members must contract a combination of ice sessions that is equal to or greater than 90 minutes per week. 

Anticipated skip days are November 29th, November 30th, December 15th (Session 2 only Christmas Exhibition), December 25th, and February 2nd (Session 2 only for Winter Exhibition).

Buy-ons will continue to be tracked in the binder on our cart at the rink and are available to any eligible USFS skater. Number of available buy-ons per session can be determined by looking up available slots under that session on the Winter Contract page once the contract has closed.  Monitors, please check-in all skaters on your session.

Ice Monitoring:  Six 
sessions of monitoring are required for the Winter Contract or payment of the buy-out fee which can be selected as an option in the contract.  Ice Monitoring Sign ups will be released at 9PM on Saturday October 26th.

There are unlimited swaps within the contract, but they cannot be carried forward to the next contract.  Ensuring the monitor signs you in for each session you skate is necessary to accurately track swaps.  Please know if you are swapping vs buying onto a session.

Off Ice: Off Ice work helps enhance on ice performance!  We have an off ice class scheduled on Sundays before club ice and skaters are also welcome to join the ASPIRE class on Saturdays.  Sunday's class must have 4 or more contracted skaters or it will be subject to cancellation. 

EICFSC Member Ice Pricing as of Winter 24-25 Contract:

Please contact Ali Thuente or Claudia Stegora if you need payment accommodations.

Minutes Contract Buy-On Contract Buy-On
90 (Fri AM Only) $21 $22 $23 $24
60 $21 $22 $23 $24
45 $16 $17 $17 $18

Non-Member Ice Pricing

Minutes Buy-On
90 (Fri AM Only) $25
60 $25
45 $19

USFS Recommendation (from Professional Skater magazine)

Pre-Preliminary: 1-2 Sessions, 2-3 Days/Week
Preliminary: 1-2 Sessions, 4-5 Days/Week
Pre-Juvenile: 2 Sessions, 5-6 Days/Week
Juvenile: 2-3 Sessions, 5-6 Days/Week
Intermediate: 3 Sessions, 5-6 Days/Week


Wednesday, November 06, 2024, to Sunday, February 23, 2025


Eagan Civic Arena
Eagan Arena
3870 Pilot Knob Road
Eagan, MN  55122
(651) 675-5590

Additional Info

Event Contact(s)

Ali Thuente


Contract Due

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Activities/Items (Click the down-arrow to view details)
Wednesday Session 1: (5:00-6:00PM)
Wednesday Session 2: (6:00-7:00 PM)
Friday Session 1: (6:00-7:30 AM)
Saturday Off ICE with ASPIRE
Saturday Session 1: (12:45-1:45PM)
Saturday Session 2: (1:45-2:45PM)
Sunday Off Ice Class (3:25-4:10PM)
Sunday Session 1 (4:15-5:15PM)
Sunday Session 2: (5:15-6:15)
Ice Monitoring Buy Out Fee
Late Fee